iklan nuffnang

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

my lil' Aydan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Olla ladies~~

as usual, during leisure time, mmg I suka sgt baca blog artis...1 of my favourite is beautifulnara, b4 that belum terlambat utk wish kat abg nara n his wife congrates since his wife also pregnant rite now, but not sure how month old...I dh start terLIKE when he post about buku 'My 1st year' ni... a.nara ada bg tau yg nnt milkadeal akan buat promotion at the end of his entry....

tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......hari yg ditunggu2 telah pn tiba...i mmg join group milkadeal ni..i ada post kat fb kalau ada sapa2 nak bg hadiah kat i ke kn...but x da response pn..pity me;(((( but never mind, I dgn rela hati membeli utk cinonet dlm perut ni as a present for him... hope cinonet ni akan suka and blh la bt kenangan kan bila dh besar nnt....

click here the promotion from milkadeal

apa yg menarik dlm buku ni??????????????????? credit to beautifulnara blog and milkadeal

the front page..

boleh letak gambar mummy+daddy= baby

journey during preggy time ;)))

monitor perkembangan bayi for each month and do some note also space for the cute picture ;)))

ruang utk letak favourite picture...sgt menarik kan...hehehe (mode verangan dh tiba)

p/s:untung jadi anak mummy ;)))hehehe


  1. mcm best la buku ni..mcm2 leh wat..

  2. apsal time saya pregnant oppss..time wife saya pregnant,takde pun buku ni.hehe

  3. @ciksuen-mmg mcm best, x sbr nk dpt buku ni...hehehe

    @mr penyubiru-itu tanda nyer, sila suruh wife anda pregnant lagi...hehehe

  4. waaaaa comelnye buku ni! blh jadi kenangan ni :)

  5. @nana-comelkan...nnt letak gmbr bby sure lagi comel...hehehe

    @puan nadira-ohh, cari cepat buku itu!! hehehe
