td pg, aie dtg bt phat, then kami lunch kt pt.raja sbb dia x ambil bfrkst pn time nk dtg sini...uhuhu cekal aie bawa motor dr melaka-bp...thanx syg, luv u so much....hehehe
lepas tu, tmpat pertama kami pergi adlh bp mall....blh plak mamat tu nak mengurut sbb lenguh pinggang dtg dari, after that dia cari2 kemeja+t-shirt saja2 sbb nk tukar2 kemeja nk pergi kerja...huhuhu sbr je la ngan dia ni...layan kan je....
then, dia ckp lapar, so kami pn pergi la ke big apple....ambil yg 6 pieces tu...aie x suka since big apples so sweet sgt2 katanya...then time mkn tu kami discuss this week nak beli apa yea?????? hmmmm jeng2, dtg idea sya, why not we try to survey watch since at bp mall, we're very familiar with that shop which is 'classic hour'...dari zaman summit paling glamour dkt bp then now they have their branch at bp mall......
so, di sini kisah bermula:
aie survey for his favorite watch, while i'm survey for mine....we dont want to choose the couple watch because b4 this we had casio's couple but aie's watch was steal by burglar.....mine still fine until now...huhuhu so sad rite.... sudden, he show me his favorite, casio....nice 1, ada 3 pilihan dia,casio juga, try2 dkt tgn dia, then yg dia pilih surface nampak nipis x tebal mcm yg lagi satu....huhuhu yg i pnya pulak, hehehe ketawa dulu yea sbb x sangka pn bila negotiate ngan tauke kedai blh dpt that range....kira still under budget heppi...hepp hepp horay....heheheh
jeng jeng jeng.......(gambar smua ambil dari
my favourite ;)

the box same like this.......suke box dia yg unik tu....hehehe aie jgn jeles yea...dia kata jam sya kecil tp box besar...hahahaha

my favourite ;) sbb sya pilih silver kerana cincin merisik sya emas putih so kalau pakai skali kan nampak cantik...hehehe lg pn jam sekarang jenis kulit.....
his favourite ;)

the box .....

his favourite....mcm2 la function jam ni yg aie suka....dia pn pilih jam ni sbb jam skrg jenis leather biasa.....
utk jam aie, ada dpt gift yea...lupa the specific name, tp yg blh prevent scratch dkt permukaan jam casio dia....hehehe utk jam sya gift tunggu christmas then dtg kedai dia utk tuntut...hehehe kami siap isi buku tarikh lahir lagi sbb mrk kata blh claim hadiah time besday kami....hehehe so far, pencarian hari ni sgt berbaloi-baloi......
p/s: complete sudah pencarian jam utk hantaran.....
hi salam b2b !!! 2011 ke dear? gud luck hunting =)
ReplyDeletesalam, yup 2011 too...hehehe thanx for ur comment here...