Olla ladies~~
as I mention at previous entry yg mak I mmg nak sgt I pakai warna MERAH instead off white utk persalinan potong kek...wowwwwwwww MERAH MAK NGAH GITUUUUUUUUUUU yea.... actually I mmg x YAKIN utk pakai warna merah, but alhamdulillah its COOLLLLLL hahahaha mmg ramai yg kata I berani utk pakai that color, but it really OUTSTANDING ( to me la).... perasan la I kejap...bluekkkkkkk
so, mari cuci mata anda smua yea ;))))))
the cake+cupcakes

potong kek timeeeee

luv u syg...muahhhhh (18sx) hehehe

us ;)))

proposed time:
aie:will u marry me???
ain: I DO....hehehe
aie:will u marry me???
ain: I DO....hehehe

p/s: rindu dkt syg sya...huhuhu
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